Going back to exercise, too much too soon?
Hey guys, it’s Anya here from Miami Physiotherapy, and I wanted to talk to you today about doing too much too soon when it comes to exercises.
Often we enter the new year, with a “New Year, new me” attitude. We decide we will start committing to the gym, sign up to a marathon, or learn to lift weights. And we are so motivated, we do it every day. Only to find 4 weeks later that your ankles started to ache while you run, or your knees started to bother you at the gym. And then we stop, thinking exercises just isn’t for us. This is something we see often when we have gone from not doing a lot of exercise, to suddenly going for it.
The problem? Too much load, too quick. When we are starting something new for exercise, our body, our joints, muscles and tendons all take some time to adapt, to grow, to strengthen. If you work a muscle hard one day, and then do the same again the next day, the problem is the muscles and tendons haven’t had time to repair or strengthen. It can then lead to inflammation in these structures, causing pain, and possibly injuries.
The solution? Don’t give up on it, just take your time. You remember the tortoise and the hare story? This is one of those moments where slow, but consistent effort will pay off in the long run (pun intended).
If you are struggling to find a balance, or have a goal in sight you want to achieve without injuries plaguing you, come and see us at Miami physiotherapy.
We can give you advice, and set you up with a training plan that can help you achieve those goals, and start your 2025 year off with a bang!