Falcon Clinic

Lakelands Clinic

Neck Pain with Physiotherapist Aaron – Part 1

Is neck pain keeping you from living your best life?

Have you been struggling with neck pain for a while, only to hear from your doctor that it’s an acute/chronic neck issue? Does the pain and stiffness prevent you from enjoying your daily activities, making it painful to turn your head during exercising or playing sports, playing with your children or pets, driving, working in front of the computer or even sleeping through the night? If this sounds like you there are 3 tips below which will help you tremendously and I’ll share a bonus tip at the end to maximize your recovery.

Hey everyone! I’m Aaron from Miami Physiotherapy Falcon and Lakelands and in today’s blog I’m going to give you 3 pointers to get started on decreasing pain, increasing your strength and improve your function so that you’ll be able to flourish in your everyday activities.

First of all what is Neck Pain?

Neck pain is a common injury that many people face, often because of prolonged static posture, repetitive strain or injuries. It’s like a constant signal of the stress your body endures, like the impression left on a couch from sitting in the same spot for hours, showing how prolonged positions can create lasting effects. When your neck is in pain, it can limit your range of motion, decrease muscular strength and function making it harder to go about your daily activities.

At Miami Physiotherapy, neck related issues is a condition that we see and help people manage regularly. Let me share a story about a patient of mine – Lets call him Sam. Sam came to see me after experiencing persistent neck pain for several months. Initially, he had minor discomfort, but things worsened because of stress and long hours of working at his desk without proper ergonomics & management. The pain made it difficult for him to focus at work, having constant neck pain and stiffness throughout the neck muscles so far as to even having headaches, sleep issues and he struggled to enjoy his hobbies especially golfing and spending time with his family.

During his initial assessment, Sam showed pain & limited neck mobility as well as significant discomfort and pain when his neck muscles and joints were assessed. We started with a combination of manual therapy techniques such as cervical mobilization and soft tissue massage and specific exercises aimed at improving his posture and strength of his neck muscles. Sam was doing great with his exercises and over the course of four weeks, Sam’s pain significantly decreased, his range of motion improved, and he was able to return to his usual activities without discomfort. He also shared that his productivity at work has increased, headache stopped, he sleeps throughout the night, and he was able to enjoy golfing and be present spending time with his family.

This is my mission for anyone with neck issues – To be able to receive the appropriate treatment you deserve, find relief, regain your function through Physiotherapy and come out stronger from it and to be able to live your best life.

Stay tuned for Part 2 where we give you tips to help with your neck pain!

Thanks for reading Neck Pain Part 1 with Aaron!

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