Falcon Clinic

Lakelands Clinic

International Day of Happiness = 20th of March 2025

20th of March is International Day of Happiness! In todays blog, we explore the benefits that joy and happiness can have on people suffering with chronic pain. Finding Joy in the Everyday: Managing Chronic Pain with Positivity Chronic pain can be a challenging and...

Why Choose Physio First?

Did you know that in Australia, physios are first line practitioners? If you are worried about an injury, your movement or function – physio should be your first port of call. I’m going to explain to you why you should call your physio before you call your GP in...

“New Year = New Me”

Going back to exercise, too much too soon? Hey guys, it’s Anya here from Miami Physiotherapy, and I wanted to talk to you today about doing too much too soon when it comes to exercises. Often we enter the new year, with a “New Year, new me” attitude. We decide...

What is the ACL? Part 1 – ACL Series with Rheine

Part 1 – ACL Series with Rheine What is the ACL? Ever wondered what your doctor was talking about when he said you “tore your ACL”? Stay tuned to find out! Hey, I’m Rheine from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio, and I’m going to talk to you about the ACL –...

Neck pain and posture

Did you know that there is no right or wrong posture? I am Parnashree from Miami and Lakelands Physiotherapy and I am going to talk to you about posture and its relevance to neck pain. The neck forms the topmost part of the spine, which is commonly known as the...
Shoulder Injury Recovery Care: Tips for Speedy Shoulder Rehab

Shoulder Injury Recovery Care: Tips for Speedy Shoulder Rehab

People who are active, especially athletes who often push their bodies to the limit, are at a higher risk of sustaining injuries. Thanks to the rigorous training, intense competitions, and physical demands of many sports, injuries are sometimes unavoidable. A shoulder...

Achilles Tendinopathy with Aditi

Has the back of your heel been hurting lately? Hello everyone, I’m Aditi, from Miami physio and Lakelands Physio. Today we’ll be exploring a very common injury called Achilles tendinopathy, what signs you need to be looking out for and what you can do to...
Our Top Injury Prevention Tips

Our Top Injury Prevention Tips

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining an active lifestyle has become paramount for many individuals. Engaging in physical activities not only promotes physical health but also contributes to mental well-being. However, with the pursuit of an active lifestyle...
Post-Surgery Physiotherapy – What You Should Know

Post-Surgery Physiotherapy – What You Should Know

If you’re over 45 and have recently undergone surgery, or if you are expecting to have a surgical procedure soon, it’s worth considering the potential benefits of post-surgery physiotherapy. A specialised form of rehabilitation, physiotherapy focuses on...

Meniscal Injury

Does your knee click catch and lock? Does doing the twist sound most unpleasant for your knee? You may have a meniscus injury. Keep reading to find out how physio can help! You may have an acute meniscal injury if you heard or felt a popping sensation in your knee...

Frozen Shoulder

I’m Parnashree from Miami and Lakelands Physio and I’m going to explain what exactly is frozen shoulder, and the best way of treating it. What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder or frozen shoulder contracture syndrome is a gradually progressing condition. It is often...

Your Knee Surgeon Said Surgery Won’t Help?

Hey, I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio. Today I want to talk to you about why your surgeon may have said surgery won’t help or isn’t the best solution for your knee pain (and what might help instead). Firstly, why has your surgeon said...

Growing Pains, or something more?

Has your child been complaining about pain in his legs? Specifically hips, knees or heels? Does the pain get worse with activity, and better with rest? A lot of the time, these can get passed off as “growing pains”, but more likely, they may have an inflammation of...

Winging Scapula: A Cause For Shoulder Pain

Hi, I’m Parnashree from Miami Physio and I’m going to explain why shoulder blades wing out (winging scapula) and why it causes problems. Movements of the scapula or the shoulder blades are essential for normal shoulder and arm use. Scapular winging refers to...
Treatment For Arthritis In Knees – Tips On Managing Pain

Treatment For Arthritis In Knees – Tips On Managing Pain

Do you suffer from arthritis in your knees? You’re not alone – knee osteoarthritis alone affects nearly 1 in 5 Australian adults over the age of 45. In fact, it’s estimated that over 4 million Australians are living with some form of arthritis.  If so, chances are you...

Headaches and Migraines

Hello everyone I’m Danny your headache therapist from Miami Physiotherapy Today we are going to talk about the ways in which physiotherapy can help with headaches and migraine. So if you have struggled with headaches and migraines, keep watching to find out how we can...

Don’t Make Sciatic Pain Worse

Hey everyone, I’m Parnashree from Miami and Lakelands Physiotherapy. Today I’m going to talk about sciatic pain and the exercises you need to avoid which can aggravate your symptoms. So stick around until the end and I’ll show you what NOT to do if you suffer from...
What causes knee pain without an injury?

What causes knee pain without an injury?

Knees are an important part of our physical makeup, from running and jumping to everything in between. You’ll likely experience knee pain at some point in life, but what about when discomfort occurs in this much-used joint despite having no recent injuries? While it...
How does hydrotherapy work?

How does hydrotherapy work?

Swimming has an amazing ability to simultaneously improve physical and mental well-being. A soothing swim is well-known to produce both calming and strengthening effects, so it’s no surprise more people are seeking out swimming therapy to treat a wide range of...
How long does a pulled hamstring take to recover?

How long does a pulled hamstring take to recover?

A pulled hamstring can be tough for many sports enthusiasts. With a reputation for putting players on the bench, it’s worth learning how to improve pulled hamstring recovery time. Causes of hamstring strains range from sudden changes in direction and speed to muscle...

Fibromyalgia: what is it?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome associated with widespread pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to touch, noise and light. It is often associated with other medical issues such as gastrointestinal disorders and migraines....
Why Do I Feel Dizzy? Vertigo and Poor Balance

Why Do I Feel Dizzy? Vertigo and Poor Balance

Experiencing severe dizziness for the first time can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if you’re not sure what’s happening. Many times people feel lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous when they roll over in bed or turn their heads sharply before...

Top 4 exercises for SIJ

I am going to show you four exercises to improve your pelvic/hip muscle strength and stability to help with SIJ problems. The Importance of Healthy SI Joints Let’s first talk about why this is important. Local pelvic muscles support your sacroiliac joints or SI...

Top Tips for Managing Stenosis

I’m Shelley from Miami Physiotherapy and I’m going to explain lumbar spinal central stenosis and give you some management tips. What is lumbar spinal stenosis? Lumbar Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the central spinal canal. In your spine there is the bony central...

Exercise Technique

It’s Anya here from Miami Physiotherapy and Lakelands Physiotherapy, and I wanted to chat with you today about the way you do your exercises.    You’ll often come home from a physio appointment with a couple of exercises we have suggested you do. I know that...

Tension Headaches

Just about all of us have felt a tension headache at some point in our lives. But what is a tension headache and where does it come from?  Hi, I’m Scott, stick around and I’ll answer these questions about tension headaches. Tension headaches can come from a few...

Gluteal Tendinopathy: evidence based rehabilitation

Are you suffering from pain on the outside of your hip? Are you struggling to walk long distances or getting an ache at night that stops you sleeping? Hey guys, its Anya from Miami and Lakelands physio here, and I wanted to talk to you about gluteal tendinopathy, a...

Walking with a crutch or a stick

Do you walk with a single crutch or a stick? It is important that you are using your crutch correctly to help stabilise your balance, and reduce risk of asymmetry through the legs, hips and lower back as this may lead to further problems or injuries. As shown in my...

Low arches, high arches – why are our foot arches an issue?

  Hey, I’m Shelley from Miami Physiotherapy. Today I want to explain why we use taping to support the arch of the foot and if you hang around, I’m going to show you an arch taping (we call this low-dye taping). Our feet have an important job to do, getting us around...

Balance – why is it so important for daily function?

In today’s blog I will explain why balance is so important, and share some ways to test your balance to see whether your balance is adequate. Think about all the things that you do every day that require balance. When you get dressed – standing to put on your...

Myofascial Cupping Massage

Have you ever wondered what myofascial cupping is? Well stick around today and I’m going to show you how it works. I’m Scott from Lakelands and Miami Physio and I’m going to show you how to use these cups. The technique that I’ve learned is...

Could hydrotherapy help me?

Hydrotherapy is the use of specific exercises in a warm pool instructed by an aquatic physiotherapist. This provides the benefits of warmth, buoyancy and resistance. The warmth of the water helps by increasing circulation and decreasing pain. Buoyancy helps to enable...
Let’s Get Kids Moving – Part Two

Let’s Get Kids Moving – Part Two

Welcome to our second edition in our let’s get kids moving series. We’ve picked exercises that don’t need any specific equipment, so that you can do this at your house super easily! Kids Circuit Class If you remember the HIIT class we did at the beginning of the...
Let’s Get Kids Moving – Part One

Let’s Get Kids Moving – Part One

Kids home from school? Get your kids moving and improve their behaviour and academic performance! With kid’s home due to holidays, many kids may not be getting their daily dose of activity. Did you know that activity levels in kids are linked to their health...

Surgery Cancelled? Don’t Panic – this can be a good thing.

  Elective surgeries have been cancelled in Australia. This means no knee replacements, no hip replacements, no knee scopes, so shoulder acromioplasties, no rotator cuff repairs and no ankle stabilisations – just to name a few of the most common elective surgeries....

Top four exercises for the sacroiliac joint

Parnashree is sharing four exercises to improve your pelvic/hip muscle strength and stability to help with SIJ problems.  Let’s first talk about why this is important. Local pelvic muscles support your sacroiliac joints (or SI joints). You have two SI joints,...

Posture Related Pain Part 2

Low back pain is common after sitting for a long period of time at a desk, or on a couch bingeing your favourite TV series! Is this you? Hi, my name is Emily and today I will be continuing this two part series of postural related pain. Today, we are focusing on low...

Posture Related Pain Part 1

Are you an office worker, student or gamer who has neck and low back pain at the end of the day? In this 2 part series, I will be talking about causes of postural neck and low back pain and what you can do to minimise it. Hey, I’m Emily and today I will be focusing on...

Exercise and COVID Severity

Here is something you can do to increase your immunity and decrease the severity of COVID symptoms. I’m Shelley from Miami Physiotherapy and Lakelands Physiotherapy and I’m going to explain some new research from the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Since the...

Confessions of a Non-Runner Part 3

Hey, I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio, and here’s my confessions regarding what not to do when you are challenged to run/walk 100km in 1 month! In January, this year my friends came up with a 100km run/walk challenge for the month. The idea was to...

Why physiotherapy didn’t work for you

Have you ever heard someone say, or even said yourself – “physio didn’t work for me” Now let’s assume that you saw a good physio, there can be a few reasons why physio didn’t work for you. Firstly – goal setting. Did your physio and you talk about your goals? Did you...

Confessions of a Non-Running Runner Part Two

I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio and I’m talking about what can go wrong when you up the ante too much in your exercise regime. So, you’ll remember I mentioned my gradual, paced build up to being able to jog 5km? Everything was going peachy with my...

Confessions of a Non-Running Runner Part One

Getting Started I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio and I have never thought of myself as a runner. I’ve always been sporty, but I’d struggled to be able to just go for a jog. I’d get rib pain like a stitch on my right side about 1.5km in and would have...

The Iliotibial Band

I am Parnashree from Miami Physiotherapy and today I am going to talk about iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome or lateral knee pain and how stretching it can make the pain worse.   Let’s first talk about the ITB. It is a strong, resilient structure which starts from...
First aid training as a team

First aid training as a team

  This week is a bit different. Rather than focusing on how physiotherapy can help you to live a pain free and fulfilling life, we’re focused on something we do as a team to care for each other, our patients and our community. It’s really important to us that we...

ACL Ruptures: Is surgery necessary?

Did you know that not all ACL tears require surgery?  The majority of ACL injuries are managed with surgical interventions and post surgery rehab these days. However, a lot of people don’t even know that you can even manage ACL injuries without surgery in a lot of...

Chronic Ankle Sprains and Instability

Another ankle sprain! Why does this keep happening and what to do about it. Hi my name is Emily and today I am going to talk about chronic ankle instability – what it is, the signs that signal you may have it and some exercises that will help. An ankle sprain is...

TENS Machines: Pain relief or placebo?

Lots of our patients ask us about TENS machines and whether they might be of assistance in their situations. So, lets go through what exactly is TENS, when can it be used, and how should you set up your machine to get good relief. TENS stands for Transcutaneous...

Hamstring Muscle Strain

Pulled a muscle while playing a field or court sport? It could be your hamstrings! How do hamstring injuries happen? Hamstring injuries are common in sports requiring kicking, high-speed running and sprinting. They are a significant cause of missed training and...

Idiopathic Toe Walking

Have you noticed that some kids prefer to walk on their toes? Keep watching to learn about toe walking as well as some tips on how to encourage kids to walk with their heels down. So what exactly is idiopathic toe walking? Toe walking is normal in children up to the...

How to garden without irritating your back

  Do you love gardening but find it irritates your back and leaves you struggling to stand up again afterwards? I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and I love trees and plants. Keep listening, and I’m going to explain what it is about gardening that irritates backs and what...

Meet Afia

Afia Farooq graduated in 2012 and completed her master’s in musculoskeletal and sports in 206 from India. She has worked overall 6 years in the public and private hospitals in India and United Arab Emirates before immigrating to Australia in 2021. Afia has...

The importance of tummy time

Have you got questions about tummy time for your baby? Not sure when or how much tummy time is recommended? Not sure if bubs is ready for tummy time?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, or want to know more about positioning for kids, this blog is for you!...

Ice Pack or Heat Pack? Choose The Right Option For Your Injury

Hi, I’m Anna, Remedial Massage Therapist at Miami Physiotherapy.  We treat everything from arthritis to pulled muscles to inflammation with ice or hot packs.  Treating pain with hot and cold can be extremely effective and easily affordable. The tricky part is knowing...

ViMove Lower Back Assessments

Have you ever wondered what normal back movement is? I’m Shelley from Miami Physiotherapy and today Danny is demonstrating in our video what we call a ViMove Assessment. Developed in conjunction with athletes and patients from around the world, ViMove allows our...

Chronic Pain

Treating chronic pain from a Physiotherapist’s perspective involves the use of various treatment strategies. Mindfulness Pacing Focus Strengthening the body Part One: Glia and Mindfulness Chronic pain is a very complex problem and understanding why your injury...

Resistance Training

Did you know that resistance training is beneficial for older adults?  Today, Emily is going to explain what resistance training is and answer a few questions regarding resistance training in older adults. Q: What is resistance training? Resistance training is a form...

Treating torticollis in a baby

Have you noticed that your baby always has their head turned or tilted to the one side?  You might have noticed a flat spot on your baby’s head. Hi, my name is Angela from Miami Physiotherapy and I am here to talk about the signs of torticollis (or congenital muscular...
Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease

Part One – Signs and symptoms and how physiotherapy can help Do you or someone you know have Parkinson’s disease?  Hi, I’m Emily from Miami and Lakelands Physiotherapy and this week I’m here to talk about Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a...
Meet Emily and Angela

Meet Emily and Angela

We’re excited to welcome Emily and Angela to Miami Physiotherapy! You may have met them already if you’ve visited us recently, but here they are to introduce themselves. Emily Emily graduated from Curtin University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science...

New Pilates classes in 2021

We’re excited to share that we will have two new classes beginning this week at Miami Physiotherapy! Thursdays at 8am with Emilie Fridays at 8am with Anya Numbers are limited and bookings essential, call us on 9534 4111 for more information about these new...

Learn how to give a lower back massage

Relieving back pain can be easy. We’re bringing back a classic – another learn-to-massage video to show you some more techniques that you can use on your family and friends for their lower back. There’s always time for a bit of time out and relaxation – so...

New Tai Chi Courses begin 14 January

Are you feeling the effects of too many birthdays? Is arthritis slowing you down? Have you lost confidence in your balance, or even fallen over lately? I’m Lynn from Miami and Lakelands Physio and when I answered ‘yes’ to all those questions I went looking for a...

Physiotherapy not working? 3 biggest mistakes people make

Have you ever started physio for an injury and been disappointed with the results? Maybe the injury took longer than expected to heal, you struggled to reach your goal, or your injury came back to haunt you. Today, I’m going to explain the three biggest mistakes that...

What is ‘extensor bending’ and why is it a problem?

This is Shelley from Miami Physio and today I want to show you a poor spine movement pattern that I call “the extensor bender”. I’m going to explain why people might bend this way, why it’s a problem and show you a test you can try on yourself. Watch our video for a...

New Beginner Tai Chi Class: starts Monday 19th Oct

Is arthritis slowing you down? Have you lost confidence in your balance, or even fallen over lately? Tai Chi may be the perfect solution for you. Keep reading and I’ll introduce you to this simple and enjoyable way to reduce your pain and improve your physical...

It’s School Holidays! Let’s get our kids moving.

Are you home for the school holidays? With tv, games and computers, many kids are not getting their daily dose of activity. Did you know that activity levels in kids are linked to their health later in life? Active kids also perform better, improve their ability to...

How Physiotherapy Can Help Manage Migraine & Headaches

Hello everyone I’m Danny your headache therapist from Miami Physiotherapy Today we are going to talk about the ways in which physiotherapy can help with headaches and migraine. So if you have struggled with headaches and migraines, keep watching to find out how we can...

Learn how to give a 5 min relaxing lower back massage.

We’ve had lots of people ask for more back massage instructional videos after seeing our upper back and shoulder how-to instructional video. So we have put together another learn-to-massage video to show you some more techniques that you can use on your family and...

Get back to Injury-free running with these 3 steps.

Did you know 45-50% of runners experience an injury that affects their ability to run every year. 25-30% experience greater than one injury in a given year. We’ve noticed an increase in running related injuries of late and want to talk about this today. If you’re a...

Osteoarthritis, Wear and Tear, Age Related Degeneration

Have the terms arthritis, Osteo arthritis, wear and tear, age related change or degeneration, been used when you’ve seen your GP, chiro or physio? These terms are all commonly used to describe osteoarthritis. It is a joint condition that typically involves the...

3 Mistakes People make with Physio

Ever started physio for an injury and then been disappointed with the results? Maybe the injury took longer than expected to heal, you struggled to reach your goal, or your injury came back to haunt you? Today I’m going to explain the 3 biggest mistakes that stop a...

What is Pilates and who will benefit from participating?

The traditional form of Pilates, developed in the 1920s by legendary physical trainer Joseph H. Pilates, is an exercise system that focuses on improving flexibility, strength and endurance without building bulk. It focuses on the abdomen, lower back and buttocks (the...

Experiencing back or neck pain since working from home?

With so many people working at home over the last few months, I’ve noticed a lot of you have been complaining of neck or back soreness from sitting more at home, perhaps sitting in a poor position at the kitchen table or makeshift office, using a laptop without...

Don’t make Sciatic Pain worse. Avoid these exercises.

First, let me explain what sciatica is and why you need to be careful. Sciatica presents as a leg pain that usually resembles electric shock-like sensations, tingling, pins and needles or shooting pain.  Sometimes the sciatic nerve may get compressed by the structures...

Learn how to self-massage with a spiky ball

Spiky balls are the perfect accessory to have close to hand when you are feeling a bit tight and knotty in your muscles and can’t get in to see your remedial massage therapist, or your physio. But firstly, how do they help? You need to understand a bit about tight...

Kids Gym and Balance Class Ideas

Hi everyone! Do you need some more ideas for how to keep your kids active whilst kids are on school holidays or home schooling? I am Shelley from Miami Physiotherapy and Lakelands Physiotherapy. Today I am going to show you a series of simple strength and balance...

Walking around barefoot can flare up PF

Are you one of the unlucky ones to have experienced plantar fasciitis recently? I’m here today to talk about how walking in bare feet can stir up plantar fasciitis. This is pain that is commonly felt in the heel or in inner side of your foot through the arch. If you...

Welcome to Kids Circuit Exercise

This is our third kids exercise ideas in our let’s get kids moving series. We’ve picked exercises that don’t need any specific equipment, so that you can do this at your house super easily! If you remember the HIIT class we did at the beginning of the week, we picked...

Pilates for Kids

Kids bored? Wondering what else you can do with them whilst they are home or isolating? Wondering how you are going to get your pilates classes in yourself with so many distractions? Here’s  a few pilates based exercises that the kids can get involved in with you...

Welcome to our first kids exercise class: HIIT for kids.

A few tips: Do each exercise for 20 sec Rest for 10 sec in between. The first time you try, do 1 round. If you get tired after 5 exercises then have a 30sec rest before the next set of 5. As you get better you can do up to 4 sets of each exercise and then have a...

Did you guys know that there is no right or wrong posture.

The neck forms the topmost part of the spine, which is commonly known as the cervical spine. It is a robust structure just like other joints in the body. Neck pain can be caused by many factors, eg, a specific pathology like fracture, infection or arthritis, or can be...

Golfers Elbow

Are you suffering from Golfers Elbow? Keep reading below to learn: What is golfers elbow? What treatments are effective for golfers elbow? How physio can help? What is Golfer’s Elbow? Golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is a painful...

Acute Wry Neck

Have you ever woken up with really bad neck pain on one side of your neck and trouble turning your head? This is a condition called acute wry neck. It just happens, sometimes for no good reason. You go to bed ok, and then wake up and can’t move your head. You might...

Knee Mobility with Physiotherapist Coby

Are winter chills making your knees feel stiff?  The cold weather can contribute to you feeling tight in the legs and stiff in your knees. But the good news is that doing a few basic exercises can help to free up those knees and legs and give you back the mobility you...

Miami Physiotherapy

Fast effective treatment when and where you need it.

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